Nok engang velger jeg å bruke andres ord til å beskrive hvor bra siste episode av Top Gear var. Det var Top Gear African Adventure, og her er noen (ok, mange) utvalgte sitater fra denne episoden, som så absolutt er verdt en kikk.
Richard: This is the happiest car in the world! I shall name it Oliver! Not that we’d ever name a car on Top Gear. I wish I hadn’t said that.
Richard: Oliver, you’ve got a cold!
Richard: Don’t knock Oliver… er… Don’t knock my car.
James: What did you call it?
Jeremy: I am the Road Warrior
James, også kjent under navnet “Captain Sense of Direction” tar av feil på en vei:
Jeremy: He has just turned right, which is into Zimbabwe, which is where I should point out, the BBC is not allowed. (bilen til James kommer veldig raskt tilbake).
Jeremy: What did he say?
Richard: I said… I said I LOOOVE YAAA!
Jeremy: Why don’t all cars have no doors? When I come to power (merk dere at han sier ‘when’, ikke ‘if’) I’m gonna make it a rule, cause this is just better.
Jeremy: How bad can this dust be? AAARGH, MY EYES!!!
Jeremy: I’ve got every single 1920’s disease.
Jeremy: Do you know what it’s like when someone punches you really hard in the face?
Richard: I do, actually!
Richard: Do you remember what the man said, Jeremy? Break down and you will… have a nice time? No, die!
Jeremy: I’m not sure which I favor most here, certain death… or that Beetle.
Ser på skjellet i ørkenen.
James: It’s a fossil.
Jeremy: It’s not a fossil, it only died about two years ago.
James: I was talking about you.
James: You look like a gay cowboy, and you look like a gay terrorist.
Jeremy: The honey badger does not kill you to eat you; it tears of your testicles.
Richard: IT DOES NOT!
James: Why is it called the honey badger?
Richard: Why isn’t it called The Badger of Death?
Richard: I suppose I better practice at least, for my lion drill. Oh no, there’s a lion coming, aaah, what shall I d… (smeller igjen bildøra) That. Oliver will protect me!
Richard: Since I had nothing to do, I decided to annoy Jeremy.
Jeremy: Eventually, he was slowed down by a bridge… Over the River Kwai.
James: *plystrer* (jeg tror dere kan gjette melodien)
Jeremy: Look! Look! A hippo’s head!
James: It’s probably a whole hippo, just that the rest of it is under the water.
Jeremy: There’s a man over there with the best comb-over I have ever seen!
James: *later som han roper* You’re bald!
Mens de prøver å legge et kuhode i soveposen til James uten at han vet det.
Richard: Hang on, that’s my bag in James’s tent… THIS IS MY TENT!
James: Permission to say ‘cock’?
All adders are puffs.
Jeremy: Is that technically possible?
Richard: Probably not.
Jeremy: I’m 47, I’ve never been speechless.
Jeremy: You two are not being helpful!
James/Richard: No! What a silly thing to say!
Avslutningvis vil jeg imponere dere med mine Paint skillz ved å vise dere dette fantastiske bilde jeg har laget av Richard og Oliver (fordi man VET at det var slik de tilbrakte nettene, selv om de ikke viste det på tv)
Også må jeg vise dere dette klippet fra episoden, bare fordi det er så søtt/slemt:
Richard: This is the happiest car in the world! I shall name it Oliver! Not that we’d ever name a car on Top Gear. I wish I hadn’t said that.
Richard: Oliver, you’ve got a cold!
Richard: Don’t knock Oliver… er… Don’t knock my car.
James: What did you call it?
Jeremy: I am the Road Warrior
James, også kjent under navnet “Captain Sense of Direction” tar av feil på en vei:
Jeremy: He has just turned right, which is into Zimbabwe, which is where I should point out, the BBC is not allowed. (bilen til James kommer veldig raskt tilbake).
Jeremy: What did he say?
Richard: I said… I said I LOOOVE YAAA!
Jeremy: Why don’t all cars have no doors? When I come to power (merk dere at han sier ‘when’, ikke ‘if’) I’m gonna make it a rule, cause this is just better.
Jeremy: How bad can this dust be? AAARGH, MY EYES!!!
Jeremy: I’ve got every single 1920’s disease.
Jeremy: Do you know what it’s like when someone punches you really hard in the face?
Richard: I do, actually!
Richard: Do you remember what the man said, Jeremy? Break down and you will… have a nice time? No, die!
Jeremy: I’m not sure which I favor most here, certain death… or that Beetle.
Ser på skjellet i ørkenen.
James: It’s a fossil.
Jeremy: It’s not a fossil, it only died about two years ago.
James: I was talking about you.
James: You look like a gay cowboy, and you look like a gay terrorist.
Jeremy: The honey badger does not kill you to eat you; it tears of your testicles.
Richard: IT DOES NOT!
James: Why is it called the honey badger?
Richard: Why isn’t it called The Badger of Death?
Richard: I suppose I better practice at least, for my lion drill. Oh no, there’s a lion coming, aaah, what shall I d… (smeller igjen bildøra) That. Oliver will protect me!
Richard: Since I had nothing to do, I decided to annoy Jeremy.
Jeremy: Eventually, he was slowed down by a bridge… Over the River Kwai.
James: *plystrer* (jeg tror dere kan gjette melodien)
Jeremy: Look! Look! A hippo’s head!
James: It’s probably a whole hippo, just that the rest of it is under the water.
Jeremy: There’s a man over there with the best comb-over I have ever seen!
James: *later som han roper* You’re bald!
Mens de prøver å legge et kuhode i soveposen til James uten at han vet det.
Richard: Hang on, that’s my bag in James’s tent… THIS IS MY TENT!
James: Permission to say ‘cock’?
All adders are puffs.
Jeremy: Is that technically possible?
Richard: Probably not.
Jeremy: I’m 47, I’ve never been speechless.
Jeremy: You two are not being helpful!
James/Richard: No! What a silly thing to say!
Avslutningvis vil jeg imponere dere med mine Paint skillz ved å vise dere dette fantastiske bilde jeg har laget av Richard og Oliver (fordi man VET at det var slik de tilbrakte nettene, selv om de ikke viste det på tv)
Også må jeg vise dere dette klippet fra episoden, bare fordi det er så søtt/slemt:
Skrevet av Jannicke Thursday, November 8, 2007 at 3:58 PM.
Hahah- det var så sinnsykt episoden sin :D
Top Gear er supertøft :)
Virrvarr- Definetivt en av de bedre, og med tanke på hvor bra en vanlig episode av Top Gear er, sier det en del. Dette var nesten like bra som American Road Trip! (jeg ler fortsatt så jeg gråter bare jeg tenker på den episoden!)
Emelie- Top Gear er konge på haugen og det eneste bilprogrammet som gjør at jeg har lyst til å fatte en interesse for biler. Godt du er enig!